Millennium Risk Managers is a Third Party Administrator of Workers Compensation Claims in Alabama. MRM is dedicated to enhance growth of our customer's organizations. We realize the importance and value in providing education and training to producers of our partner agencies is key in preparing them for presentations of customer's products. If your Agency interested in visiting our location for a Tour and/or Training Luncheon, please contact us today!
MRM President, Terry Young, led a group of producers from the Byars, Wright Insurance Agency around our home office in Birmingham, AL. After the tour, attendees sat down for a presentation of each of our customer's organizations while enjoying a catered lunch. At the end of the tour we received many appreciation comments and interests in finding new business opportunities for submission.
MRM provided training and skills in the area of how a Worker’s Compensation claim is administered and processed. They also discussed the importance of first reports of injury both at the time of reporting the claim as well as if that claim were to go into litigation. Additional training was provided in the area of medical PPO networks and how they can generate BIG savings for the customer and how the medical fee schedule works in the state of Alabama in regards to a Worker's Compensation claim.
We look forward to hosting you at our next TPA Tour.